Friday, January 22, 2010

How To Kill Rats For Snake Food Can Anyone Help Me With The Imbalance Of The Food Chain?

Can anyone help me with the imbalance of the food chain? - how to kill rats for snake food

That is when I have so much to kill people wolves, dingoes kill wolves, dingoes and snakes eat snakes eat rats. I do think if there is an imbalance in the food chain, the rat breeding and overcrowded. What I can tell you there?


Anonymous said...

Well, in this scenario, the dingoes and wolves are territorial enough that it is likely the cause of many problems between them. But from the standpoint of the food chain, have fallen a little out of control.

It would be better to start with a plant and an herbivore / omnivore and a carnivore, then a predator, which, fortunately, most animals feeds, perhaps then a man. Here's a real life Yellowstone

Trees - Caribou Cattle + - Lobos - Humans

The man killed the wolves eat caribou and won, because nothing has been eating the caribou population has exploded and they ate all the young trees, and banks are eroded. Soon there were no trees in many areas of the park was flooded for years.

Jason W said...

Dingoes could definitely eat all the snakes and rats could overpopulate to this should probably keep the dingo population through hunting license. But more likely the dingo eat your baby

Jason W said...

Dingoes could definitely eat all the snakes and rats could overpopulate to this should probably keep the dingo population through hunting license. But more likely the dingo eat your baby

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